Hospice Patient and Family VolunteerAt — Roze Room Hospice

Opportunity Summary 

Join our team of team of professionals caring for a patient and/or family facing a limited life expectancy. Our duties include companionship, caregiver support, errands, light housekeeping and life review. All visits are made at the patient's home which could be a home, apartment, or a facility. The visits are scheduled around the volunteer and patient's schedule, and can include weekends and evenings. Training, background checks and TB tests are provided free of charge.


Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

The training and patient visits will give our volunteers a glimpse into the needs of patients and families facing death. The volunteers will also receive general health related information, legal health concerns and technics to help engage patients and their families.

Are there any evaluations/surveys that will be requested of students?  Yes

Opportunity Training 

Each volunteer/Intern will receive our 23 chapter manual and a remote training session and test. Each visiting volunteer will be going out on their first patient visit with a member of the clinical team. Volunteers/Interns can contact the Volunteer Coordinator for support and guidance at any time.

**Each location will have their own safety protocol, however we have a safety chapter included in out training manual which covers health related safety.

Service Learning
Location Type 
United States
Expected Hours 
4-8hours per month
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 