Math Tutor, Reading Tutor, and/or WritingTutorAt — Rancho Cielo Youth Campus
Rancho Cielo Youth Campus' mission is to transform the lives of disengaged youth and empower them to become accountable, competent, productive and responsible citizens. Ranch Cielo is a safe place for students who have been unsuccessful in other school settings to achieve academic excellence and prepare for higher education or full-time employment.
There is a big need for dedicated, caring adults to serve as tutor/mentors for our students. Their proficiency ranges from early grade levels to high school. You don’t need to be a master of a subject or possess a teaching credential. However, consistent participation, patience, and enthusiasm for helping others learn can make a big difference for our students.
Commitment: 1 to 2 hours/week, preferably mornings.
12 service learner spots
- Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- Driver's License
- Must be 18 or older
- Vaccinations
- Bilingual Desired (Spanish/English)
After the on-boarding process, each service learner will then be placed with a professional staff member to continue training to the specific vocational program and will be supervised by a professional within the specific program.
Each student will have direct contact with the Volunteer Coordinator and the assigned professional staff member and support team. The service learner hours will be recorded on a weekly basis. We focus on individual instruction for our student that are in pursuit of earning a High School Diploma and each student intern will receive ongoing support and supervision by a case manager and education professional.
KNOWN HAZARDS: This placement requires working with hazardous materials, heavy equipment, construction equipment, heights, or heavy machinery.
The following programs may be using heavy equipment, hand tools, cons, construction tools, or hazardous material:
Construction Program, Welding Program, Culinary Program, Agricultural Mechanics and Electrical Program, Auto Diesel Program and the Gardening Program.
POPULATION SERVED: Students may be working with individuals who pose an elevated risk of harm or injury to them.
Generally, all students are supervised however occasion may arise that service learners will be working one to one with our students and that student may be on Probation.
Interested students will need to complete a Volunteer Application online:
There will be a background check and an on-site interview with the service learner to determine which program of Rancho Cielo is best suited for the service learner.
For questions or to follow-up on your application, contact:
Sandra Moore, Volunteer Coordinator