CST 462S: LibreOffice Bug Testing - SP 25 - At — The Document Foundation

Opportunity Summary 

This opportunity is reserved for students enrolled in CST 462S

Conduct bug testing and analysis (quality assurance & triaging) for LibreOffice, the free and open source office suite.

We have tasks for all skills levels, from basic skills in office software to advanced programming. We will mentor you personally and support your skill development.

You will be onboarded through an orienting interview and a series of discussions.

An introduction to our simplest tasks can be found here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/GetInvolved


3 spots available

This opportunity is reserved for students enrolled in CST 462S

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 
  1. Self and Social Awareness: Examine the diverse dimensions of social, cultural and professional identities, and the relationship of these identities to systems of power, privilege and oppression.
  2. Service and Social Responsibility Part 1: Analyze how the field/profession has perpetuated inequity/injustice and/or contributed to equity/justice at the individual, group and societal levels.
  3. Service and Social Responsibility Part 2: Engage in responsive, reciprocal service that is informed by knowledge of the multicultural histories, demographics, sociocultural dynamics and assets of a specific community.
  4. Action towards Systemic Change: Develop and implement personal and professional strategies, policies and/or practices that work towards creating greater equity and social justice in our communities, workplaces and/or institutions.
Opportunity Training 

The students will learn the quality assurance practices of a large scale software project. They start from the basics and move on to the most advanced techniques of bug analysis.

The students will attend regular meetings where their work is reviewed and new topics are introduced. Email support is provided. The students also have the opportunity to participate in live demonstrations of bug analysis by senior quality assurance experts.

Opportunity Application Instructions 

Students should announce their interest in applying by emailing:

Ilmari Lauhakangas, Development Marketing


Service Learning
Location Type 
Expected Hours 
25hours per placement
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 