SP25 CST 462S: Digital Archive OrganizationAt — Big Sur Land Trust (BSLT)

Opportunity Summary 

Founded in 1978, Big Sur Land Trust has a legacy of land conservation throughout Monterey County. Over the past 47 years, our land conservation work has been documented in newspaper articles, magazines, press releases, and more. Much of this print material was collected. Over the past few years, two Big Sur Land Trust archive volunteers have undertaken the task of (1) summarizing each article, and (2) scanning the articles, to convert from physical to digital. These efforts are being united in a reference manager software (Papers), to produce a searchable, annotated digital archive. 

The service learners would assit in the next step: Once digital files are imported into the archive, they require some ‘clean-up’, e.g., addition of the corresponding summary to the notes field, entry of the title, date, authors, publication type, etc.. For this task, we would enjoy the support of self-motivated and detail-oriented service learners with a passion for history and the importance of archival work. 

Must know Papers app or similar app to learn it quickly.

This opportunity is reserved for students enrolled in CST 462S

Opportunity Application Instructions 

This opportunity is assigned by the CST 462S Service Learning Faculty.

Service Learning
Location Type 
Expected Hours 
25hours per academic term
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 
01/27/2025 to 05/16/2025