Short-Term Agreement

Short-Term Student Placement Agreement,

California State University, Monterey Bay

The following Organization/Community  Partner (“the Organization”) agrees to provide an internship to California State University, Monterey Bay (“CSUMB”) according to the provisions below.  It is understood that the internship is limited to one CSUMB student, and is intended to cover one multi-week academic term (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer Term). The internship will consist of the supervised work and learning experiences identified in the Learning Agreement. Internships are either operational (the intern spends time in a number of departments) or project-oriented (the intern focuses on a limited number of departments or projects).  In every case it is expected that the intern will complete special projects and also contribute to the operation while benefiting from the learning and work experience.

As an authorized agent and acting on behalf of the Organization indicated below, the Organization agrees to the following:

  • Guide the student’s work and submit 1-2 performance evaluations of his/her achievement.
  • Discuss any concerns about the student’s performance with him/her directly, and with the course supervisory or other appropriate university personnel as necessary.
  • Indemnify, defend, and save harmless the California State University (CSU), its officers, employees and agents, from any claims and losses resulting from our voluntary participation in this short-term agreement.
  • We agree to provide general work site orientation and supervision and to make every reasonable effort to provide a safe working environment, including our organization's online working environment.  We agree to assist CSUMB by certifying that the student completed the minimum hours of service required by this service learning or academic internship course.
  • Service/Internships during COVID-19:  We agree to follow all recommended CDC, State, and/or County Shelter-In-Place policies and guidelines governing the area in which we are located.

The Organization shall be responsible for damages caused by the negligence of its officers, agents, employees and duly authorized interns in the performance of this agreement.   CSUMB shall be responsible for damages caused by the negligence of its officers, employees and duly authorized interns occurring in the performance of this agreement. It is the intention of the Organization and CSUMB that the provision of this paragraph be interpreted to impose on each party responsibility for the negligence of their respective officers, employees and duly authorized interns. CSUMB provides general liability insurance for students enrolled in academic internship courses.  The coverage commences when the student begins the agreed upon internship activities and is valid while the student is performing service.   This time period must be in alignment with CSUMB’s academic calendar.  Students MUST sign in at the Organization site each time they provide service and may only serve at the site during the specified dates noted in this document.  It is understood that students are not interns of the CSU, but rather interns or paid interns of the Organization.  Students may not engage in the internship until all signatures are collected and the Student Learning Outcomes and Internship Responsibilities sections are complete.  Students are not permitted to drive a vehicle to perform duties for the Organization.  

Please note: CSUMB does not provide auto liability coverage for students.  If a student is injured during their internship or short-term service learning, please contact the relevant university representative:  The School of Business at (831)582-4232; the Career Development Office at (831)582-3845; Service Learning Institute at (831)582-5175;  or University Police at (831)582-3360.

My signature below indicates I have thoroughly reviewed the information contained in this document and agree to the terms for a short-term relationship between the Organization and California State University, Monterey Bay.