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Completing a Timelog and Requesting Approval | Video
Please also refer to the FAQ for additional troubleshooting assistance.
Timelog Management for Faculty
Please also refer to the FAQ for additional troubleshooting assistance.
Enabling a Placement Confirmation Email
Tracking Co-Curricular Activities | Video
Short-Term Agreement Student Process
FAQ: A submission is missing from the Placement page.
Setting Up a Request to Initiate Partnership and Risk Review Process
Request to Initiate Partnership Form overview
Updating Content from a Framework Form | Framework Forms: Using the RTIP to update Parent Organizations and create Opportunities
How to conditionally show/hide a signature
Managing Form settings in a Program
Additional Signatures
*Note: You must create an additional signature from scratch so that all the proper settings and components are created. If you need fields from an existing form in a different category, please contact support.
Please also refer to the FAQ for additional troubleshooting assistance.