Special Collections Oral History Graduate Student InternAt — CSUSM University Library - Special Collections Department
This internship will be focused on creating oral histories of campus and community members important to our region in some way (culturally, historically, etc.). Students will be trained in oral history methodology including theory, interviewing techniques, ethics, and technology. Students will conduct oral histories and complete related activities such as research, self-assessments, metadata creation, transcriptions, and readings.
Students will have: * Demonstrated understanding of oral history methodology, best practice, and the importance of oral history as a research tool, especially as a tool to interpret social change; * Demonstrated ability to conduct in-depth interviews illustrating the skill to establish rapport with and guide significant questioning of narrators; * Demonstrated skills in active and participatory listening, adapting questions on the fly in interview situations, and an understanding of creating questions specific to cultural groups; * Demonstrated ability to process oral history interviews, including transcribing and indexing audiovisual and textual documentation; * Demonstrated understanding of both the strengths and weaknesses of oral history as a both a research activity and as a research tool.
The first part of the internship will take place in a co-learning environment, where students and librarian archivists work together on oral history methodology, with students learning techniques and theory through guided readings, co-learning activities, and lectures.
Campus policies guidelines will be adhered to.
Type | Frequency | Amount | Explanation | Show to students? |
Hourly Pay | monthly | $17/hr | Credit will go towards History classes - either Hist 699c or an independent study). | No |
Students will be interviewed from a pool of History graduate student applicants. Interviews will consist of questions over a phone/Zoom interview. Students should submit a resume for the application process.
Hours | Duration |
120 | hours per academic term |