Environmental learning and Care through the Elements SeriesAt — Ascendtials

Opportunity Summary 

Participate in a series of workshops and service experiences that connect you with the environment through each of the 4 elements (air, earth, fire, and water) and local community in San Diego.

Poetry & Writing Club (Air)

Attend our online workshop to discuss and write on social justice issues such as racism, poverty, women’s rights, equal pay, and government representation. The writings would reach a wide range of audiences that would hopefully start to impact real change in structures and organizations toward more inclusion, which we believe would greatly benefit our community. The writing process would also serve as a source of healing for those involved and help foster a deeper connection with themselves. 1.5 hours/ session; 2 sessions per month for a total of 3 hours.

Kemetic Yoga (Air)

Participate in our online/in-person Kemetic Yoga sessions, which helps to increase blood circulation, nutrient, and oxygen supply to vital body systems, relieves stress and anxiety, and provides knowledge on how to heal thyself using ancestral knowledge using our curriculum that supports principles on Order, Justice, Harmony, Balance and Reciprocity. Students are reminded to apply these principles in all aspects of their lives and report via essay. 1 hour/ session; 2 sessions per month for a total of 2 hours.

Composting Workshop (Earth)

Attend workshops to understand more about soil preservation and protection. Learn the Basics of Backyard Composting and Basics of Vermicomposting with our partner organizations. 1 hour/ session; 1 session per month for a total of 1 hour.

Gardening (Earth)

Understand how you can help to protect and preserve nature, and learn more about how to grow fresh pesticide-free fruits, vegetables, herbal plants, grains, and flowers in our garden in sunny Bonita, inside the Sweetwater Summit Regional Park. 1.5 hours/ session; 2 sessions per month for a total of 3 hours.

Adopt-a-Highway (Fire)

Clean up along our adopted highway, and collect excess leaves from withered plants for composting activities at our community garden. Plant trees, bushes and wildflowers. Contribute to reducing pollution and fires. 2 hours/ session;1 session per month for a total of 2 hours.

Tree planting with partner orgs (Fire)

Plant trees around San Diego with our community group. We support engaging in dialogue and activity that promotes soil-boosting practices.  We also want to bring awareness to those policies and incentives aligned to do things counter to this. 2 hours/ session;1 session per month for a total of 2 hours.

Adopt-a-Beach (Water)

Cleanup our adopted beach  in our community to make it healthier for wildlife and people. Learn about storm drain runoff and paint stencils on the drains to discourage people from dumping litter, chemicals, or poisons into our water bodies. It all flows to the storm drain, and then into the watershed! 2 hours/ session;1 session per month for a total of 2 hours.

Watershed Protection Program (Water)

Learn how to protect and preserve our watershed. Get to know more about the privilege of “grass” and the importance of replacing it. Discover the best management practices for specific pollutant-generating activities. 1 hour/ session;1 session per month for a total of 1 hour.


NOTE : While we strongly encourage participation in the complete program, we offer fleixibiltiy based on the student's interest and/or availability to particpate in all, or a few of the above opportunities to meet their service learning hourly requirement.  


Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

Deepens your understanding of nature, and the ongoing relationship needed to protect and preserve it.
Builds and strengthen critical thinking, problem solving, increases interest in maintaining personal principles and values that protect and preserve nature and necessary leadership skills to do so.
Introduces you to different career paths.
Prepares you for internships and future employment opportunities.

Opportunity Training 

Students will receive onboarding and training to use the tools and/or access specific skills they may need to perform their duties on site. 

Opportunity Application Instructions 

To join this project, please first sign up on our website here. https://ascendtials.org/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=9

Service Learning
Expected Hours 
15-30hours per placement
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 