Girl Scouts College Volunteer Leader Program InternAt — Girl Scouts San Diego


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—The CalState S4 Team

Opportunity Summary 

As an Intern for our College Volunteer Leader Program, intern will: 1. Serve as a Girl Scout leader for girls who do not have access to a Girl Scout experience. Intern will lead a troop of girls as they earn badges in STEM, Outdoor, Entrepreneurship, and Life skills. 2. Recruit girls at existing schools our program supports. 3. Participate in a service project with girls. 4. Engage with a traditional troop to support a group of middle school girls as they plan a San Marcos Girl Scouts event. 5. Support girls participating in the Girl Scout Product Program. 6. Develop Lesson Plans for troop meetings 7. Visit and learn about the main campus for Girl Scouts San Diego.

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

1. Girl Scout Knowledge 2. Girl Leadership Experience Model 3. Effectively working with a team 4. Leadership Development Skills 5. Girl Management Skills 6. Positive Mentorship Skills 7. Lesson Plan Development 8. Effective Communication Skills 9. Event Planning Skills 10. People Skills

Opportunity Training 

Interns are required to attend a 2-hour training that covers a variety of topics including history of Girl Scouts, current membership data, priorities of Girl Scouts, tips and tricks on working with age group levels, working with a team, meeting planning, meeting resources, what to expect at meetings.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

Interns are required to register through Girl Scouts, submit to a criminal background check, provide Live Scan fingerprints, and take a Mandatory Reporter Training course.

Opportunity Application Instructions 

Schedule will be established to ensure intern will be able to meet 80 hour requirement based on schedule.

Location Type 
Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
United States
Expected Hours 
90hours per placement
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 