Parking and Commuter Services Service Learning OpportunityAt — CSUSM Parking and Commuter Services [inactive]

Opportunity Summary 

Position Description

Commuter programs focuses on alternative and sustainable transportation throughout the university including public transportation, carpool, vanpool, biking, and walking.

  1. Dedicate 20 hours, spread out through the semester to compile and organize data.
  2. Create a survey to measure the amount of commuter students and their preferences or dislikes with alternative and sustainable transportation.
  3. Aid in developing a “Walk It” campaign in order to increase awareness of health benefits.

Parking and Commuter Services is open Monday -Friday 8am -4:30pm, however students will be given assignments that can be completed during and after office hours depending on students availability. However, weekly meetings will take place during regular business hours.


Length of position: One Semester

Hours per Week: 20

Is this a paid opportunity? No


Application Instructions

Please send a letter of interest to, once that letter is received Silvia Lopez will contact you for an interview.

Service Learning
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 