Course Apprenticeship: J. KamrathAt — CSUF - College of Communications
Course Description:
This independent study is designed to examine and practice how communicative behaviors relate and impact people’s well-being and happiness. Communication and the Art of Happiness (HCOM 428) utilizes a transformative learning approach to engage students in practice of intentional happiness field exercises, critical self-reflection, and research-based readings that guide students to design their personalized happiness project. This independent study allows students to serve as a course apprentice to extend their own happiness journey through providing peer feedback in a way that allows students to “discover for themselves.” Students will read, analyze, and synthesize additional resources to add to the current semester and craft a detailed action plan for future semesters. Students serve as a peer mentor to guide students in questioning taken for granted assumptions about worldviews, values, and beliefs related to happiness so they can discover for themselves ontological and perceptual constraints and intentional activities that positively impact each individual student. Course apprentices are an integral part of creating the being of happiness through connection and a shared experience. Prerequisite: Students must have completed and fully engaged in HCOM 428.