Environmental Health Intern - Food and Pool Safety ProgramAt — County of Orange
Environmental Health Division is a division of the Health Care Agency's Public Health branch and is comprised of various programs aimed toward protecting the health and safety of Orange County residents and visitors from harmful conditions in the environment. Staff enforce laws and regulations and emphasize education to assist businesses and communities with providing healthy and safe communities. The EHD regulates the following: retail, wholesale, and mobile food facilities; public housing; public swimming pools; small drinking water and onsite wastewater systems; ocean water quality; above-ground and underground tanks and cleanup oversight; medical waste, hazardous materials and waste; and land use and solid waste.
1. Conducting Environmental Health field assessments and information gathering activities in the Food and Pool Program.
2. Supporting field staff in the Environmental Health Food and Pool Program in their day-to-day operations.
3. Conducting research and analysis, and updating reports and findings on special projects.
4. Completing assigned administrative support projects by entering or updating information in the database.
1. General Employer Orientation - communicate division expectations, personal conduct standards, and standard operating procedures.
2. Facilitate field ride-along opportunities to demonstrate environmental health workflows in a field setting.
3. Provide basic hands-on, classroom, and virtual instruction specific to assigned projects or modules
Learning outcome:
1. Understand basic environmental health food and pool safety concepts and regulations, such as the California Retail Food Code and Pool Code.
2. Manage numerous projects simultaneously by working collaboratively with a committee or team.
3. Gather and report data and observations consistently from field assessments via written reports and relevant data entry.
4. Analyze observations and facts obtained during environmental health assessments to evaluate and update records.
5. Provide verbal and written feedback to others and clearly articulate public health issues and observations.