California Latinas for Reproductive Justice


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Organization Description

California Latinas for Reproductive Justice(CLRJ) is a statewide organization committed to honoring the experiences of Latinas to uphold our dignity, our bodies, sexuality, and families. We build Latinas’ power and cultivate leadership through community education, policy advocacy, and community-informed research to achieve reproductive justice.

Programs and Services Offered

Conduct policy advocacy on CLRJ's legislative priorities such as, mobilizing to pass a state resolution in recognition of Young Families (particularly pregnant and parenting adolescents), supporting CLRJ's work to ensure that national immigration reform efforts be inclusive of the needs of women, individuals of all backgrounds, gender identities and sexuality, and their families, etc;.

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Computer Literacy
244 S San Pedro St Ste.405
Los Angeles, CA 90012
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)