John E. Steinbeck Elementary School - Alisal Union School District

Organization Description

Alisal Union School District operates eleven K-6 schools and partners with one Charter School in the most rapidly growing section of Salinas. In addition to our regular classroom teachers, our schools have certificated resource staff consisting of Bilingual Resource Teachers, Migrant Resource Teachers, Literacy Specialists, Instructional Coaches and Resource Specialists. Speech Therapists, Psychologists, School Nurses and Certified Nurses Assistants are also employed to provide additional resources to classroom teachers.

The Alisal Union School District currently serves about 7,700 students. Our multi-ethnic student population is distributed as follows:

  • 94%  LCFF Unduplicated Count    
  • 92%  Latinos
  • 1%    White
  • <1% each: African American, Asian, Filipino, Pacific Islander, two or more races
  • 85%  Qualify for Free/Reduced-Priced Meals (although All of our students get free meals)
  • 75%  English Learners
  • 10%  Migrant
  • 10%  Homeless
  • 10%  Students With Disabilities
  • 100% amazing students/our country's future leaders

All K-12 school districts require TB testing and some form of background checking (Livescan fingerprinting; Meagan’s List check; etc.). The level of clearance required depends on degree of supervision.

Program Information

Welcome to John E. Steinbeck Elementary School, the home of the Red Ponies! School pride, academic achievement, parent involvement, and a dedicated staff create a caring learning community for all children.

It is our mission to meet the academic, cultural, social, and individual needs of students in order to prepare them to make a meaningful contribution to a democratic society. We challenge students to attain their potential through a supportive partnership of teachers, administrators, classified employees, parents, and community.

Steinbeck is home to nearly 700 students in Kindergarten through sixth grades.  We also boast two special education classes for children with communication challenges.  In tandem with instruction geared to meet each student’s individualized education program, an emphasis of this program is to provide appropriate inclusion in general education classes, thus enriching the learning experiences of both special and general education students alike.  Steinbeck is home to a wonderfully diverse student body.

Service Learning Opportunity Examples:

5th grade: Friday: 8:30-12:00 2nd grade Th: 8:30-11:30am. Tutoring. Assisting teachers in the classroom.

Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • TB Test
1714 Burlington Dr.
Salinas, CA 93906
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Jennifer Ruiz
Job Title

Current Opportunities

Title Program Start Date Location Type Tags
K-6th Classroom Service Learning Ongoing On-site Education, Elementary School, K-6
Service Learning
Organization type 
Education - Multi-level (Government)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Additional Focus Area(s)
Extended Learning, Skill Development