
Organization Description

Our mission is to inspire students of all ages to understand, appreciate, and protect the natural environment. Every year thousands of students, teachers, neighbors, and volunteers from across Monterey County experience, learn, and grow with MEarth at the Hilton Bialek Habitat.

Program Information

MEarth offers a diversity of programs designed to connect our students – youth and adults alike – in meaningful ways, to each other, their communities, and the world around them. Our place-based learning comes alive at the Hilton Bialek Habitat, a 10 acre habitat with a LEED-certified culinary classroom and 1 acre organic garden. Through engaging hands-on activities, our goal is to educate and inspire to become better environmental stewards.

Our programs are organized into four primary areas of focus:


In our ClassroomConnect program, MEarth staff supports Carmel Unified School District teachers to bring traditional classroom learning to life at the Hilton Bialek Habitat. Taking advantage of eight distinct habitat ‘laboratories’, as well as the LEED Certified green building, MEarth staff collaborate with classroom teachers to create science and culinary-based curricula that compliment Science, Math, Social Studies, 6th Grade CORE, and World Language classes.


MEarth’s NatureConnect program invites students to explore and restore local habitats. We awaken a sense of wonder and curiosity in the youth of Monterey County. Our field-based educational experiences explore local flora and fauna, watersheds, the relationship between humans and natural landscapes, and environmental sustainability; Mearth changes the way students interact with, and think about, nature and their place in our interconnected natural world.


Food is essential to our existence. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of our modern life, we often become disconnected from our food sources. Through our FoodConnect program, students of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds experience first hand the simple act of harvesting, cooking, and connecting to their food. This takes place in our LEED-certified culinary classroom, wood-fired oven, organic edible garden, heirloom fruit orchard, off-grid solar greenhouse, and native plant nursery.


Healthy, connected, resilient communities are the foundation to a sustainable future. Our CommunityConnect program provides opportunities for local residents to learn more about how we can better care for our selves, our communities, and our environment. We offer culinary and garden workshops, speaker series, sustainable chef dinner series, summer camps, community restoration events, eco-volunteerism, and supporting environmental sustainability through community partnerships. 

Learn more about current and upcoming volunteer needs here:


Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Computer Literacy
  • Driver's License
  • Must be 18 or older
  • TB Test
4380 Carmel Valley Road
Carmel, CA 93922
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Chloe Meteigner
Job Title

Current Opportunities

Title Program Start Date Location Type
Educational & Community Programs Service Learner Service Learning Ongoing On-site
Farm & Garden Service Learner Service Learning Ongoing On-site
Service Learning
Organization type 
Environmental or Wildlife Organization (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
Children/Youth, Families, Non-specific/any population
Focus Area(s)
Education, Natural Resources, the Environment, and Ecosystems