Delhi Unified School District Office
Organization Description
Delhi Unified School District(DUSD): We are a k-12 school system that is low-social economic status. 98% of our students are on Free/Reduced Lunch. We serve a community of migrate workers and first generation educated families. DUSD can host internships and volunteers.
Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations No, they will need to perform basic laboratory practices that are performed at the college level. No high risk activities will be expected from them. Students must check in with main office, until proper and identification card are made.
Finger Prints
- Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- Driver's License
- Must be 18 or older
- TB Test
- Fingerprinting -- Dept. of Justice
9716 Hinton Ave.
Delhi, CA 95315
United States General Phone
Student Contact
Service Learning
Curricular Community Engaged Learning
Organization type
Education - Administration/District (Government)
Focus Population(s)
Children/Youth, Teens/Young Adults
Focus Area(s)
Hours of operation
Anatomy/Physiology: Monday-Friday 8am-10am DMHS: Monday-Friday 11am-12pm Chemistry: Monday-Friday 12pm-2pm
Maximum students