Legal Services for Children


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Program Information

Description and contact updated: 01/20/17

Program approved for: MSW 1st Year [X] MSW 2nd Year  [X ] Title IV-E [X]

Parent Agency Name:                                                         

Legal Services for Children (LSC)                                                                                                                           


Agency/Program Address:

1254 Market St., 3rd Fl., San Francisco, CA 94102 

Parent Agency Phone Number: 415-863-3762

Name of Internship Contact Person:

Ron Gutierrez, MSW. LCSW

Contact‘s E-mail:     

Contact’s Phone Number:


County Agency is in: San Francisco.   


Program Description:

LSC has a long history of providing internships for graduate level social work students. Students will have the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary teams with LSC social workers and attorneys on cases involving foster care, legal guardianship, school discipline, special education, and immigration. Employing interdisciplinary teams of attorneys and social workers, LSC strives to meet the legal and non-legal needs of our clients. We have provided MSW internships to students from: San Francisco State University, California State University East Bay, San Jose State University, University of California Berkeley, G.W. Brown School of Social Work Washington University, McGill University School of Social Work, Smith College School for Social Work and University of Texas Austin.

Primary Issues that the Program Addresses:

We serve children and youth in cases involving foster care, legal guardianship, school discipline, special education, and immigration.

Populations and Clientele Served:

Our office represents primarily children and youth of color from neighborhoods and communities that have historically experienced a great degree of societal oppression and disadvantage.  Some examples include serving clients from San Francisco’s Southeast sector including Bayview Hunter’s Point, Sunnydale and Visitacion Valley; serving newcomer immigrants from Central America who are essentially fleeing their home countries as refugees due to rampant violence and other extreme hardships; and serving children placed in foster care due to abuse, abandonment and/or neglect by their parent(s). 

Types of Services Offered by the Program:

LSC provides interdisciplinary services from attorneys and social workers to meet the legal and non-legal needs of our clients.  This includes direct legal representation for our clients in the areas of foster care, legal guardianship, school discipline, and immigration.

Intern Assignments and Learning Opportunities:

Social work interns at LSC will provide direct clinical case management services to our clients. These services include psychosocial assessments, treatment planning, crisis intervention and general advocacy.

Other Specialized Training and Educational Opportunities:

In addition to weekly individual supervision, LSC will provide interns with an intake orientation as well as the following trainings: Crisis Intervention, Boundaries & Termination, Cultural Competency, Legal Guardianship, Dependency (foster care), Education, and Immigration. LSC encourages interns to attend relevant offsite training as well. LSC provides transportation reimbursement, or car-sharing membership (e.g. Getaround) (a valid driver’s license is strongly preferred), for client or office related travel.

Student Availability:

Days preferred: ____Monday to Friday_______________________________________________

Hours preferred: ___9am to 5pm with flexibility for later evening hours on occasion to provide accessibility for out clients and families._______________________________________________

Does the agency offer evening and/or weekend hours for the field placement? Yes:_X (limited)_  No: ____

Agency Profile:

Non-Profit: _X__   Public/Government: ____  Educational Institution: ____  Other (specify): ____

If a K-12 school, is PPS supervision available? Yes: ____  No: ____


Please indicate the number of students in the following categories that the agency could accommodate:

BASW:____      First-Year MSW: _X___      Second-Year MSW: _X___      Second-Year Title IV-E:____

Please indicate any particular characteristics and skills that would be desirable for this placement (e.g., language capacity, knowledge of specific computer programs, etc.):

Language fluency in Spanish is highly desired as two-thirds of our clients are fluent in Spanish. 

Number of SF State University School of Social Work students previously placed at this agency: __10+___


Does the agency require:

_____ Fingerprint clearance

__X_  Background check

_____ TB clearance

_____ Other health examinations

_____ Immunizations

_____ A vehicle for placement related duties

Does the agency cover the cost for any background checks or health procedures? Yes:_X___  No: ____

Does the agency require an early start or late completion date: Yes:____  No: _X___

Are there any other special placement procedures or requirements? If so, please specify:



Does the placement offer a stipend? Yes:____  No: _X___

If yes, how much is offered and are there any particular requirements to receive the stipend?


Are there other benefits available (e.g., work study matching funds, food, transportation, subsidies for travel expenses and conferences, etc.)? If so, please specify:



Other Field Instuctors:    

Rumeli Snyder, MSW, LCSW,  Senior Social Worker, 415-780-6354,

Linda Chiu, MSW, Senior Social Worker, 415-780-6353,


Health & Safety
1254 Market St., 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
General Phone 
Social Work
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Additional site tags 
1st-Year MSW, 2nd-Year MSW, case management, crisis intervention, advocacy, legal services, group work, research, Immigration, foster care, adolescents, children, Stipend, Title IV-E