Program Information Description updated: 1/24/14
Program approved for: MSW 1st Year [ X ] MSW 2nd Year [ X ]
Parent Agency Name: LifeLong Medical Care
Agency Phone Number: 510-981-4136
Agency/Program Address:
2344 6th Street, Berkeley CA 94710
Program Name: Supportive Housing Program
Name of Internship Contact Person:
Brenda Goldstein
Contact‘s E-mail:
Contact’s Phone Number: 981-4136
Field Instructor:
Anaya Rose, MSW, LCSW
Counties Agency is in:_Alameda and Contra Costa_________
Program Description: LMC’s supportive housing program serves 400 formerly homeless adults providing primary care, mental health and case management services to support housing stability, improved quality of life, decreased emergency and inpatient hospital use, recovery and management of mental health, substance use and other chronic conditions and assistance with obtaining benefits and resources. The program is a harm reduction and housing first model
LifeLong Medical Care is a federally qualified health center providing primary care medical, mental health, dental, school based and supportive housing services to 45,000 individuals annually in Berkeley, Oakland and West Contra Costa County. The supportive housing program serves formerly homeless adults with mental health, substance use and physical disabilities.
Clientele Served: formerly homeless adults and families living in subsidized permanent supportive housing - individuals with chronic disease, mental health and substance use conditions(some in recovery and some not). Our client population including folks of all ages. We also have folks with developmental disabilities.
Almost exclusively serve very low income adults, children and families with specialty in aged, disabled and homeless individuals.
Issues Program Addresses: housing stability, quality of life and recovery for people living with mental illness and substance abuse, histories of trauma, wellness, chronic disease management
Intern Assignments:
Case Management. Some therapy for a second year MSW student with interest in therapy.
Intern Training & Educational Opportunities:
Monthly trainings. Opportunities to attend county provided and other trainings.
Intern Benefits: (Include stipend, conferences, car, food, etc.)
None other than the opportunity to provide an experience serving an eclectic client population.
Other Special Placement Procedures or Requirements (Including Dates of Internship, Special Application Forms and Deadlines):
4. Student Field Travel (please mark all appropriate items):
a. Public transportation available and possible: Yes __x___ No _____
b. Agency car available for students: Yes _____ No __x___
c. Agency pays mileage for use of personal cars: Yes __x___ No _____
d. Personal car required: Yes _____ No ____x_
5. Please indicate any specials skills that you desire in a student, such as fluency in a
foreign language, sign language, computer literacy, etc.
_Interest and ability to work with homeless, dually diagnosed adults using harm reduction model.
6. How many students do you feel your agency can adequately supervise?
7. What attitudes/aptitudes/characteristics do you consider desirable for students placed in your agency?
Ability and interest to work in very low income community with formerly homeless residents.