Napa State Hospital Department of Social Work


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Program Information

Program approved for: 2nd-Year MSW [X]

  1. Department of State Hospitals
  2. Agency Name:Napa State Hospital
  3. Program Name:Department of Social Work                  
  4. Program Hours/Days:  M-F 7:30-7:00
  5. Name of Contact Person­­­­­:Monique Jansma
  6. Title: Supervising Psychiatric Social Worker/ Internship Program Coordinator
  7. Address:2100 Napa Vallejo HWy

    City:Napa                                                  Zip:94558

    Phone: 225-3997                                       Fax: 254-2654


Selena Coumanis                                        


Jane Adams                                   


  1.  Briefly describe agency’s services and attach any approved program description for your files.

Napa State Hospital is a forensic and non-forensic metal health treatment hospital. We serve individuals from counties throughout the state and have a diverse and multicultural client and staff population. Interns at the facility receive extensive training and a wide variety of experiences in diagnosis, treatment and dicharge of severly and persistently meentally ill patients. Interns have the opportunity to work with multidiciplinary teams throughout the treatment process.

Students will be working in the Social Work Department, however the are various program through out the hospital which student swill be able to rotate through. Supervision at the work site and in weekly meetings will be provided by Social Workers.

  1.  Please identify specific disadvantaged/oppressed constituencies served by your agency.

All patients at Napa State Hospital are dealing with the stigma of mental illness, many deal with the stigma of having a criminal record in addition and a large number of our individuals come from economically disadvantaged and cultural minority back grounds..


2.  Student Compensation:


a.  Are there stipends currently available for students?   Yes  X No


4.  Student Field Travel (please mark all appropriate items):


            a.  Public transportation available and possible:   

Health & Safety
2100 Napa Vallejo Hwy
Napa, CA 94558
United States
Social Work
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Additional site tags 
2nd-Year MSW, mental health, Criminal Justice, Stipend