Program Information Description and contact updated: 01/13/17
Program approved for: BASW [X] MSW 1st Year [X ] MSW 2nd Year [ X] Title IV-E
Parent Agency Name: Roseland University Prep
Parent Agency Phone Number: 707-566-9990
Parent Agency Address:
100 Sebastopol Rd Santa Rosa, Ca 95407
Program Phone Number: 707-566-9990
Agency/Program Website Address:
Program E-mail Address:
Erica Bosque, Social Worker/Counselor, 707-321-5955,
Program Description:
Roseland University Prep (RUP) is a public charter high school that provides academic and social/emotional services to 9th-12th grade students to support their goals. The school is a small learning environment of 460 students that are 90% Latino and first generation high school graduates. The vision of the school is to promote Achievement, Curiosity, Integrity and Justice.
Primary Issues that the Program Addresses:
RUP addresses increasing the graduation rates of minority and low income populations by providing a family like environment and large amounts of on campus resources for the students and their families. RUP has a Coordinated Services Team and collaborates with community members and agencies in order to facilitate and implement wrap-around services.
Populations and Clientele Served:
Low income, minority groups: predominantly Latino
Types of Services Offered by the Program:
Coordinated Services Case management, Social/Emotional counseling, Academic/Career advising, Enrichment Activities, Support groups and Referrals to off campus community resources and services
Intern Assignments and Learning Opportunities:
Learn and provide: Coordinated Services Case management, Social/Emotional counseling, Academic/Career advising, Enrichment Activities, Support groups and Referrals to off campus community resources and services
Other Specialized Training and Educational Opportunities:
Training opportunities are provided throughout the year based on intern needs and interests.
Student Availability:
Days preferred: _____Monday-Friday________________________________
Hours preferred: __________8:00am-3:15pm__________________________
Does the agency offer evening and/or weekend hours for the field placement? Yes:____ No: _X___
Agency Profile:
Non-Profit: ____ Public/Government: ____ Educational Institution: _X___ Other (specify): ____
If a K-12 school, is PPS supervision available? Yes: _X___ No: ____
Please indicate the number of students in the following categories that the agency could accommodate:
BASW:__X_ First-Year MSW: _X__ Second-Year MSW: _X___ Second-Year Title IV-E:__X__
Please indicate any particular characteristics and skills that would be desirable for this placement (e.g., language capacity, knowledge of specific computer programs, etc.):
RUP wants interns who are eager to learn new skills and provide services to students with an open mind and heart.
Number of SF State University School of Social Work students previously placed at this agency: __6___
Does the agency require:
__x___ Fingerprint clearance
_____ Background check
___x__ TB clearance
_____ Other health examinations
__x___ Immunizations
_____ A vehicle for placement related duties
Does the agency cover the cost for any background checks or health procedures? Yes:__x__ No: ____
Does the agency require an early start or late completion date: Yes:_x___ No: ____
Are there any other special placement procedures or requirements? If so, please specify:
Does the placement offer a stipend? Yes:____ No: __x__
If yes, how much is offered and are there any particular requirements to receive the stipend?
Are there other benefits available (e.g., work study matching funds, food, transportation, subsidies for travel expenses and conferences, etc.)? If so, please specify: