Program Information Description updated: 11/3/2010
Contract updated: 2016
Program approved for: BASW [X ] MSW 1st Year [X] MSW 2nd Year [X ]
Parent Agency Name:
Agency/Program Address:
982 Mission Street, 2nd Floor , SF, CA 94103
Agency Phone Number:
Name of Internship Contact Person:Michelle Swain
Contact‘s E-mail:
Contact’s Phone Number: 415-597-8043
Other contacts:
Denise Corbin
County Agency is in: SF .
Program Description: UCSF-Community Focus is an assertive community treatment program based in the Department of Psychiatry of San Francisco General Hospital. Our multipdisciplinary staff provides comphrensive and continous services to 200 severely mentally ill adults. It is our goal to assist our clients in establishing stability and an improved quality of life while living in the community. Our staff consist of Clinical Social Workers, Married and Family Therapists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists Psychiatric Technicians and Psychiatrists who have experience working with the mentally ill adults in the community. Since many of the inidividuals were serve have multiple conditions requiring attention, we also provide groups, vocational training, assessments, case manangement, dialective behavior therapy, and several other tools that would benefit our client population needs. Community Foucs has three focus teams, which provide services based on the ethnic and cultural needs of the individuals we serve. Our aim is to match clients with the team, which is able to address their specific ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The three teams are: 1) Kujihagulia Project, the African American focus team that are sentative and expertise working with issues specific to African Americans. 2) Adelante team, the Asian, Pacific Islander and Latino Focus team who speak Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Toishanes, Tawanese, and Vietnamese and specialize in treating individuals and family with similar cultural backgrounds. 3) Finally, Cross Currents, the woman, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and HIV-seropostive focus team. Staff on this team have experience, sensitivity, and cultural makeup best matching these populations.
Clientele Served: Ages 18 and above. Adult population.
Issues Program Addresses:
Intern Assignments: Provide opitmal client care i.e case management, medication adherence, housing and entitlements, medical and dental, vocational etc..etc.
Intern Training & Educational Opportunities: Students will be place on one of the cultural focus teams, participate in weekly team meetings, weekly trainings, weekly supervision, and groups.
Intern Benefits: (Include stipend, conferences, car, food, etc.) Students can apply for the Multicultural Student Stipend Program when they partipate in our internship program. All students have access to bus tokens, clipper cards.
Other Special Placement Procedures or Requirements (Including Dates of Internship, Special Application Forms and Deadlines):