211 Orange County


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Program Information

2-1-1 Orange County is a non-profit agency, serving as the comprehensive information and referral system for the county. 211OC provides a resource database of health and human services and support, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online and through our multi-lingual hotline, connecting people quickly and effectively to existing programs and disaster response information. 211OC also serves as the HMIS Lead Agency for Orange County, managing the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database and Coordinated Entry System (CES). 211OC participates and plays a vital role in our Continuum of Care’s goal of ending homelessness in Orange County.

Health & Safety
1505 E. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
United States
Academic Internship
Service Learning
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)