South of Market Child Care, Inc


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Organization Description

The SOMA Family Resource Center provides support services to families who mostly live in the South of Market (SOMA). We provide case management, information and referral, basic needs assistance, community workshops and support groups and parenting classes in English, Spanish and Tagalog. Many of our services are provided at other sites. We have a case manager out stationed at Bessie Carmichael School and a support coordinator who works with tenants of the SRO hotels.

Program Information

Intern will be assigned to work with younger children and families mostly in group settings. Intern will also serve as a resource person in one of the agency's satellite site. Specifically, intern will be assigned the following projects: 1. Raising a Reader - morning activity with children in the child development centers promoting early literacy skills and introduction of different fruits to promote healthy eating 2. Expressive Arts Sessions - nondirective therapeutic art sessions that promote family bonding. 3. One-time workshops on different topics. One possible topic would be nutrition, as this was specifically requested by one of our groups. 4. Case management through provision of shadowing a child at the child care center. Intern will also be expected to meet with the family to discuss their needs. 5. Respite care - drop in child care for kids 3-12 and intern will help out planning and carrying out activities to provide a safe and healthy space for children. 6. A possible nutrition workshop for school-age children during spring break care. 7. Possible co-facilitation of support/peer groups in the community (depending on schedule availability and language capacity) 8. Other activities as assigned which includes administrative support.assist to promote healthy socio-emotional development of one to two children.

Health & Safety
790 Folsom St
San Francisco, CA 94107
United States
Health Education
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Minimum required hours