Urban Sprouts


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Organization Description

Urban Sprouts is a nonprofit organization that supports school gardens in San Francisco under-served neighborhoods. Urban Sprouts partners with youth and their families to build eco-literacy, equity, wellness, and community. Each year the agency works with over 700 youth at seven San Francisco public middle and high schools.

Program Information

Intern will help increase our program visibility within our four partner schools, implement our Health and Nutrition Outreach Team, and support our in-school garden education classes; Attend garden-based education classes at Urban Sprouts’ partner school; Represent Urban Sprouts at school functions and community event; Design and develop new outreach and collateral materials; Assist the Garden Educators with garden maintenance and preparation of materials, including hauling loads of compost, general weeding, watering and repairs; Assist the Garden Educators with implementing the Health and Nutrition Outreach Team including school outreach, planning and preparing activities, and leading our weekly family cooking classes; Communicating with Urban Sprouts staff on a regular and ongoing basis about work schedules, expectations and accomplishments.

Health & Safety
451 Hayes Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
Health Education
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Minimum required hours 
Maximum students