Girls Today Women Tomorrow


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Organization Description

Girls Today Women Tomorrow empowers girls to create their own opportunities for life success through contributing to their community as young leaders guided by mentors dedicated to expanding their horizons

Program Information

Girls Today Women Tomorrow offers a wided range of programs that fall under our four pillars of leadership, education, service, and wellness. Our monthly calendar of activities quite typically will feature anything and everything from College Campus tours to cooking classes, from marathon training to meditation. At the GTWT house, we often invite guest speakers to hold career workshops and/or to engage our girls in unique trades such as making their own non-toxic soaps and deodorants. Engaging our participants in leadership and community service opportunities is anothermore

Health & Safety


1927 E. 2nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Organization type 
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)