Denair Elementary State Preschool (Denair Unified School District)

Organization Description

Denair Unified School District empowers tomorrow's leaders through exemplary instruction and powerful innovative programs. Our exceptional school environments are the best educational choice for all students.

Program Information

There are many opportunities for service: tutoring, club advising, teaching speciality courses or workshops, campus beautification/improvement.

Health & Safety
3773 Madera Ave
Denair, CA 95316
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Amanda Silva
Job Title
Senior Director of Student Support Services

Current Opportunities

Title Program Start Date
Administration Office assistant Internship Ongoing
Counseling Office assistant Internship Ongoing
Guest Speaker Internship Ongoing
STEM Ambassadors Service Learning Ongoing
Undergraduate Observation hours Service Learning Ongoing
Service Learning
Curricular Community Engaged Learning
Organization type 
Education - Administration/District (Government)
Focus Population(s)
Children/Youth, Teens/Young Adults
Focus Area(s)
Hours of operation 

Our school campuses are generally open 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. After school hours vary. (And nothing is set in stone in these COVID times)