Military Physical Readiness InternshipAt — CSUSM Army ROTC

Opportunity Summary 

Position Description

This internship serves to facilitate the physical readiness of the CSUSM Army ROTC Program (currently 25 Individuals) in accordance with Army physical fitness standards as delineated in U.S. Army Field Manual 7-22 and U.S. Army Training Circular 3-22.20. It will do so by developing and executing daily physical training plans for the semester, developing personalized remedial training plans and meal plans for those failing the Army Physical Fitness Test and/or Army Height/Weight standards, coordinating and executing the physical fitness assessments, and analyzing the diagnostic data to determine the physical readiness of each individual.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

In this internship, the Candidate will gain experience in working with individuals to improve their physical readiness in preparation for a future career in the Army as a leader and warrior-athlete. This opportunity will develop the Candidate's ability to assess an individual's physical condition and work to develop an individualized fitness plan with respect to nutrition and exercise prescription. Additionally, the Candidate will become familiar with developing regular exercise training plans for a group of 25 individuals. Finally this position will allow Candidates to gain experience in coordinating and facilitating the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and the Army Occupation Physical Assessment Test (OPAT) in accordance with Army Field Manual 7-22 and Army Training Circular 3-22.0.

Desired Qualifications

  • Kinesiology major or related field
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Ability to attend physical training sessions at various on and off-campus locations M-F from 6 am - 7 am, and weekly training meeting (usually Monday afternoons) lasting up to 2 hours.


Length of Position: One Semester

Hours per week: 6-8

Is this a paid opportunity? No


Application Instructions

Interview with CSUSM Army ROTC Officer-in-Charge.

This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 