American Dance Festival


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Program Information

Heralded as ???One of the nation???s most important institutions??? by the New York Times and as ???The world???s greatest dance festival??? by the New York Post, the American Dance Festival???s sustained record of creative achievement is indivisible from the history of modern dance. Since 1934, ADF has remained committed to serving the needs of dance, dancers, choreographers, and professionals in dance-related fields. Remaining true to the goals of its founding artists, ADF???s programs are developed based on its mission: to encourage and support the creation and presentation of new modern dance work by both established and emerging choreographers, to preserve our modern dance heritage through continued presentation of classic works as well as through archival efforts, to build wider national and international audiences for modern dance, to enhance public understanding and appreciation of the art form and its cultural and historical significance, to provide a sound scientific and aesthetic base for professional education and training of young dancers, and to maintain a forum for integrating and disseminating information on dance education.

Health & Safety
715 Broad Street Box 90772
Durham, NC 27708
United States
Academic Internship
Service Learning
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