Amelia Earhart High School


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Organization Description

Earhart is a small alternative high school for students who are behind in credits. We specialize in traditional direct instruction and independent studies. We offer environmental studies, art and opportunities for dual enrollment at community colleges. We care about our students. We believe that everybody has the ability to achieve and overcome obstacles. We are here to help students find their purpose in life and help them achieve their goals. The Earhart staff are committed to motivating and supporting students to make a fresh start, finish your classes and graduate.

Program Information

Earhart predominately services students who have experienced one or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). For the majority of students, this is a last option to receive a high school diploma. These students are behind in credit and have struggled to succeed in traditional school settings. An overwhelming majority, 80% of the students, qualify for free or reduced lunch. The population is also largely first generation immigrant, who are experiencing disrupted family patterns. There is a significant need for adult role models who could assist students with decision making and setting and achieving long term goals.

Health & Safety


Additional requirements and/or considerations
  • Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
5355 Colfax Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91601
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Organization type 
Education - High School (Government)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Hours of operation 

Students attend school from 8:00am to 1:30pm on Tuesday-Friday and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Monday.

Minimum required hours 
Maximum students