Birch Lane Elementary


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Organization Description

We want all DJUSD students to be successful and will continue to use assessment data to identify those in need of intervention and provide the services they require.  We will focus on fostering caring relationships amongst staff, students and their families, and better aligning curricula and assessment will help us to do this.  Despite economic uncertainty, positive attitudes, beliefs, and a relentless passion to help students be successful will carry the day for the school district and the community. 

To be successful in a global society after high school, all children need extensive knowledge and skills in core areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, foreign language and career technology.  Students must also be exposed to a myriad of opportunities that explore the arts, health and wellness, athletics, extra-curricular activities, and community service projects.  These are the components of an excellent education and develop life-long thinkers and productive citizens for our future.

Health & Safety
1600 Birch Lane
Davis, CA 95618
United States
General Phone 
Service Learning
Academic Internships
Organization type 
Education - Administration/District (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)