Anderson University of South Carolina

Organization Description

University Library

Program Information

Interns will have the opportunity to develop transferable job skills working with college students and faculty and to determine a library path (academic, public, etc.). Our intern will have the opportunity to learn the latest in library technology and to choose projects in the area(s) in which he or she would most like to gain training and practical work experience (e.g., Supervise circulation desk and student workers; assist with face to face and online reference; create and update LibGuides. Possible training in Collection Development, Cataloging, Acquisitions, Online Instruction, and Archives if time permits and depending on the interests of the intern.

Health & Safety
Thrift Library, 316 Boulevard
Anderson, SC 29621
United States
iSchool Internships
Organization type 
Education - College or University (Nonprofit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)