Service-Learning OpportunitiesAt — Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo
Helping youth develop confidence, competence, character, and connections. Providing homework help, and supporting our staff to lead youth programs and activities, including arts & crafts, dance, and games.
1) RECREATION & SPORTS AND FITNESS: Engage Members in sports, recreation and fitness activities (e.g., facilitating pool and foose ball tournaments, playing basketball in the gym, etc.)
2) EDUCATION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Assist Members with homework, reading and educational enrichment activities, help Members learn about different careers
3) ARTS: Assist Members with arts (including but not limited to drawing, coloring, painting, singing, dancing, acting, graphic arts, etc.) and crafts activities.
4) CHARACTER AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Assist Members in resolving conflict, assist with leadership activities such as Torch Club; Keystone Club for youth 14-18
5) HEALTH AND LIFE SKILLS: Assist with SMART Girls activities, cooking class, workshops on money management, stress management, etc.
6) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Assist with activities in the Science Center &/or the Technology Center.
7) MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION SUPPORT: Current projects include: website updates, social media updates, creating a communication plan for the Club, collateral design and further supporting our Marketing and Community Outreach efforts.
8) DEVELOP DISCIPLINARY POLICY: Students needed to develop a set of consequences that have an impact to curve negative behaviors. Students can research disciplinary consequences that are proven to be effective at stopping targeted behaviors such as bullying, aggression, etc. and build a curriculum to incorporate into our program, making a lasting impact on our youth.
The Boys and Girls Club of Camarillo is also interested in working directly with faculty from varied disciplines to build service-learning projects that support course outcomes.
Students will develop leadership and communication skills by giving verbal guidance to groups of youth as they participate in programs, activities, games, and homework.
Training on recognizing and preventing child abuse
Some content in the training on recognizing and preventing abuse can be difficult to hear
Hours | Duration |
15 | hours per week |