Service-Learning OpportunitiesAt — CEDC - Villa Cesar Chavez Apartments
1) TUTORING/WORKING WITH CHILDREN: Students can assist with after-school homework tutoring, and delivering an after-school activities curriculum at various housing development sites.
2) RESEARCH: Students can assist with research around Rapid Anticipation Loans (RAL̥s) and disclosures around RALs.
3) RESEARCH AND SURVEY: Students could assist in surveying residents about various capacities such as leadership capacity, neighborhood security, and parent engagement.
4) Establish ways to apply the Annie E. Casey Foundation̥s Family Economic Success model locally ( for more information)
5) PLANNING: Students could assist in writing a second-year plan to expand the FEP, especially around bundling of financial services and access to banking systems.
6) Students can assist in gathering baseline data on who is banked and who is not.
7) WRITING: Writing an information and referral booklet for VITA sites to hand out that would alert filers about other resources for low-income families in Ventura County.
8) PUBLIC RELATIONS: Writing promotional materials for FEP outreach in future years.
9) ASSIST LOW-INCOME FAMILIES: Train for Earned Income Tax Credit and then provide assistance to low-income families in completing intake forms at tax preparation sites.
10) Provide education workshops to residents: Teach life/career skills, resume writing, budgeting, interview techniques, public speaking, financial literacy, basic computer skills, etc.
11) Have students analyze evacuation plans for CEDC communities.
CEDC is also interested in working directly with faculty from varied disciplines to build service-learning projects that support course outcomes.
Students will learn about the mission, services, and population this organization serves and the issues that impact this population.