Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) - Animal Care Facility (Building 92) - *AVS/BIO STUDENTS ONLY*

Organization Description

Academic Internship conducted on the Cal Poly Pomona Campus

Program Information

This CPP on campus internship site are for students registered for AVS 4411: Internship in Animal Science l, II, III  with Dr. Shelton E. Murinda in Building 92 Animal Care Facility.  The required forms must be completed to recieve academic credit.

Health & Safety

Depends on what campus department student is placed at.

Animal Research

Animal Facility


This animal facility is open for use by all colleges.  This facility typically houses mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, and rabbits used in teaching and research.  The building has a teaching classroom and biohazard rooms for Biosafety level 2 work.

It is managed by the Animal Care Facility Coordinator that directs the day-to-day operations and supervises part-time student assistants and several interns from the animal health and biological science curriculum.

For more information regarding this placement site, please contact: Cynthia A. Tessler MS, RVT, LATG
Animal Care Facilities Coordinator

PH:  (909) 869-4955

3801 W. Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768
United States
General Phone 
Student Contact 
Cynthia Tessler
Job Title
Animal Care Facilities Coordinator
Organization type 
Education - College or University (Private/For-profit)
Focus Population(s)
Focus Area(s)
Animal Welfare, Health & Medicine