Community Organizer -- rare macro opportunityAt — Sac Self Help Housing

Opportunity Summary 

This is a great opportunity to work on the macro level. You will be working with the 1O HART existing HART groups as well as helping develop new HART groups. HART stands for Homeless Assistance Resource Teams. These are volunteer organizations that assist and advocate for the homeless in their local area.

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

The student will learn how to work with volunteer organizations, speaking skills should be improved, planning and strategizing, writing memos, publishing a monthly newsletter, operating a web site content. There will also be some opportunity to work with direct service to the homeless.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

A safety discussion will be held.

Compensation Details 
TypeFrequencyAmountExplanationShow to students?
Expense ReimbursementscheduledMileage reimbursementYes
Social Work
Location Type 
Hybrid (combination of on-site and remote)
United States
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 