Community Engagement to Protect Oceans & Marine LifeAt — Save The Whales

Opportunity Summary 

If you enjoy working with school children, being outside, planting gardens, helping with beach activities, marking storm drains, doing litter cleanups, water monitoring, engaging the public, connecting with the community, and educating others about protecting the oceans, whales, and marine life -  then Save the Whales is the group for you! SPECIAL PROJECTS: 

  • Dee the Beautiful Whale. A 43ft long inflatable Humpback Whale, that students can go inside to get a deeper learning of Humpback Whales. We do school outreach and Whalefest with Dee.
  • Developing social media posts for campaign on storm drain pollution and how to prevent it.
  • Working with local cities to do trash assessments regarding litter and storm drain pollution AND educating residents in Carmel about dog waste and how it contributes to ocean pollution.

10-14 service learner spots

We fill up quickly!

Availability: 1-2 days per week from am to early pm and some weekend days. Gas stipends provided for South County outreach.

Speaking Spanish or being a science major is helpful but not a deal breaker. 

Opportunity Training 

Students will shadow and work closely with staff.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

Students will be photographed if they sign a release.

Compensation Details 
TypeFrequencyAmountExplanationShow to students?
Expense Reimbursementbi-weeklyGas stipend for activities in South Monterey CountyYes
Opportunity Application Instructions 

Interested students need to email:

Maris Sidenstecker
Executive Director

Email us with your availability, experience, phone number, and why you want to work with us.

We fill up quickly!

Service Learning
Location Type 
Monterey County, CA
United States
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 