Live Events and Theater Arts Service Learning StudentAt — JDS Creative Academy (Service Learning)

Opportunity Summary 

The mission of JDS Creative Academy (JDSCA) is to advance education, training, and opportunities in visual, performing and digital arts. We provide students the expertise needed to advance to higher arts education, and to enrich workforce development pathway opportunities in a competitive high-tech marketplace.

We have amazing year-round programs, classes, live productions and special events that include a 3-day Digital Arts FestivalHaunted StudioFall & Spring Classes, and Summer Camp Activities.

Students selected for this opportunity will be assisting with live events taking place through our fall semester. 


Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

Learn about live theater, events, costumes, props, sets, mentoring the community, and the importance of the arts to everyone. 

Opportunity Training 

Students will be supervised and job coached by industry professionals in post production, production, writing and social media. 

Opportunity Application Instructions 

Apply on site. 

Service Learning
Location Type 
Temecula, CA
United States
Expected Hours 
1-2hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 