Elmer Wood Elementary School
Organization Description
Atwater Elementary School District serves preschool through eighth graders. District wide Title I with 70% students low socio. and 50% Hispanic. Currently, district does not have counselors on staff. School psychology offer minimal assistance. Students have emotional issues from living in poverty, including cutters
Health & Safety
Additional requirements and/or considerations Volunteers will need to have the following: TB Test, Live Scan, (District will pay), a California Drivers License, and a Background Check.
They will have to meet with site principal/mentor to discuss needs and plan. Safety consideration: Students will need to be advised of school site emergency procedures. ADA accessibilty.
- Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
1271 Bellevue Rd
Atwater, CA 95301
United States General Phone
Counselor Education Practicum
Counselor Education Program
Organization type
Education - Administration/District (Government)
Focus Population(s)
Adopted/Foster Youth or Young Adults, Children/Youth
Focus Area(s)
Education, Health & Medicine
Additional Focus Area(s)
Recreation, Skill Development, Substance Abuse, Wellness Education Programs