Service-Learning At — Children's Paradise - Escondido

Opportunity Summary 

Under the supervision of a Mentor Teacher, students will support classroom environments for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old. Students will be encouraged to learn practical strategies that will help them implement theory to practice within our classrooms. Our Mentor Teachers are dedicated to supporting all student volunteers in meeting their course requirements through implementation of activities and creating positive experiences with our children. Be ready to dive into this experience! It is completely hands-on and full of growth and exploration! Please know that there are only on-site opportunities available. Students can choose from one of our 2 Escondido locations: 

  1. El Norte

986 W El Norte Parkway

Escondido, CA 92026

United States

  1. Ash Street

120 N Ash Street

Escondido, CA 92027

United States

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

At the end of this experience, Service-Learning students will learn how to:

- create and implement developmentally appropriate activities

- integrate classroom management techniques

- interact with children to create respectful and positive relationships

- active supervision strategies

- use various observations tools, such as ECERS/ITERS and CLASS to help enhance the quality of education for our children

- understand the importance of developing high quality learning environments for all children

- career opportunities within the field of early childhood education

Opportunity Training 

All students will meet with the Retention and Development Manager as a part of the Onboarding process.

Opportunity Application Instructions 

There will be an initial interview for placement arrangements and onboarding to review all required documentation. At the end of the experience, students will be asked to complete a short survey.

Service Learning
Location Type 
Escondido, CA
United States
Expected Hours 
1-3hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
TB tests
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 