City of Folsom - Recreation & Park Department
The City of Folsom Parks and Recreation Department is committed to establishing and maintaining facilities, parks, and services that enhance the quality of life for all ages, cultural origins and abilities. As stewards of the public trust, it is the Department’s purpose to reflect the changing human needs of our community.
Leia will be working in the Teen Centers and Senior Center where there are some students and participants that may have behavior challenges in line with being on the Autism Spectrum. They will be guided through the process and will never be alone with participants.
I oversee 8-10 afterschool staff and 3-5 Senior Center staff. Most know their duties and will help with training Leia, she will also participate in a new hire training with a handful new staff I am bringing on board next month.
- Background Check (e.g. fingerprinting/livescan, driving record)
- Computer Literacy
- CPR Certification
- First Aid Certification
- Must be 18 or older
- POPULATION SERVED: Students will be working with "behaviorally challenged" populations.
- SUPERVISION: Students' supervisor be responsible for overseeing more than 8 people.