System Admin Generalist - DEFENDAt — Help Us Defend (12981114 Canada Foundation O/A DEFEND Nonprofit)

Opportunity Summary 

DEFEND's Sys Admin team is building and maintaining the infrastructure for the world's healthiest social media platform: 65square. Service learners will work with Linux, Kubernetes and Cloud servers to maintain instances for the services needed to power a social media platform.

10 service learner spots


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must have relevant experience with technology
  • A standard 65square agreement is required to be signed before joining the team.
Opportunity Training 

Written documentation, focused mentoring sessions, observations of professionals will be available to help train students.

Opportunity Application Instructions 

Interested in this opportunity?

Email a resume/CV to:

Kristy Fredrick, Executive Assistant

Please identify yourself as a CSUMB service learning student.


Applicants will need to successfully complete an interview after submitting a resume/cv.


Service Learning
Location Type 
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 