3rd Grade Service Learner - Roosevelt ElementaryAt — Roosevelt Elementary School - Salinas City Elementary School District

Opportunity Summary 

Student at Roosevelt Elementary School will have an opportunity to be in a bilingual 3rd-grade class to assist and observe students. They will help with small groups and one-on-one in reading and math.

2 service learner spots

  • Background Check (e.g., fingerprinting, live scans, driving record)
  • TB tests
Opportunity Training 

Provide how to conduct the BPST and tutor students on reading skills. Student will be a part of observations and meetings.

Opportunity Application Instructions 

Interested students can email Hilda Huerta, Principal, at hhuerta @salinascity. k12.ca.us, 831 753-5645.


Service Learning
Location Type 
Salinas, CA
United States
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
Background Check (e.g., fingerprinting, live scans, driving record)
TB tests
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 