Grounds Team AssistantAt — Veterans Transition Center (VTC)

Opportunity Summary 

The Grounds Team will have the unique opportunity to complete your service hours through four days of intensive work on our beautiful VTC campus. You will work with a team of your fellow students on projects such as painting, landscaping, gardening, and other fun outdoor activities that our Maintenance Team usually just does not have the time to get to. Everything will be accomplished under the watchful and experienced eye of our Veteran Supportive Service Director, Larry Atkins. If you need to get your hours done in a fast, fun way, while meeting the needs of the homeless members of your community, this is the way to do it.

20 service learner spots

  • Must be 18 or older
Opportunity Training 

Students will be provided with all training and supervision needed to perform the activities required. Veteran Supportive Services Director Larry Atkins will be onsite to provide supervision to students at all times.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

Students will be given safety equipment if relevant to the tasks assigned.

Opportunity Application Instructions 

Interested students please email:

Tara Gibson, Human Resources Manager


to set up an interview for this opportunity.  Please provide a resume if you have one!


Service Learning
Location Type 
Marina, CA
United States
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 