Child Development Center AssistantAt — Los Angeles Trade Technical College Child Development Center
Under the supervision of a lead teacher, volunteer will assist teaching staff with:
1. implementing curriculum and enriching classroom experiences
2. support teaching staff in visual supervision to ensure the environment is safe and caring
3. Interact with children in a positive manner
4. Flexibility in daily assignments and adjust to the needs of the center
To help the student achieve their learning outcomes, we will provide student with an orientation that includes a tour of center, share and train students on protocols such as: hand washing, environment checklist and other safety procedures. The lead teacher will schedule and implement one-on-one meeting with the student weekly and provide constructive feedback. The lead teacher will shadow the student weekly and assign task and duties as needed to help student reach any identified goals.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the internship, the student will be able to:
1. Plan at least 1 social- emotional activity for children age 3-4 on a weekly basis.
2. Engage in back in forth conversations that promote children's higher-order thinking sills
3. Plan and implement individualized lessons that supports children's interest and needs