Volunteer Assistant Men’s Soccer CoachAt — Cal Poly Pomona - Men’s Soccer Team

Opportunity Summary 

Many athletes aspire to be college athletes when they grow up, but often don’t understand the in’s and outs of a successful athletics program. An internship with the Cal Poly Pomona Men’s Soccer team would provide valuable insight into the work that staff does to ensure success for their student athletes. An intern would be given many opportunities to learn by observing as well as learning by doing. They will have access to team trainings and setup of those trainings, learning how to set up a session properly so that it is time efficient and accomplishes goals of the session efficiently. Additionally, they will learn the thought process behind those sessions and have a chance to act as a mentor to athletes.

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

How a men’s soccer college program is run including: -How to find places for the athletes to live -The process of recruiting, both international and domestic -Devising and preparing training sessions -How to provide academic support for student athletes -How to develop healthy coach-player relationships -How to maintain standards in the level of play for the team -Develop a comprehensive tactical plan for the team —> develop training sessions geared toward accomplishing this plan, in preparation for games -How to scout opposition teams—> seeing their weaknesses and how to exploit them to give our team the best chance of success -How to foster an environment of personal expression in players while maintaining a team-first mentality -How to coach a college soccer game, make tactical tweaks to the system, and make subs at the correct time to ensure desired results

Opportunity Training 

I will shadow and observe my head coaches and assistant coaches in how they conduct their recruitment of players, coaching of sessions, development of sessions, and thought process in their coaching. We will have meeting each morning before and after training to go over what we think the team needs, what we want from them, how we provide them with the proper session/ environment to learn and accomplish what is needed on the day, and also go over how those efforts may be succeeding or failing and the reasons behind them.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

Volunteer coaches may be asked to participate in sessions on occasion if needed, meaning they will need to be able to compete against college level soccer players, which can sometimes lead to injury.

Location Type 
United States
Expected Hours 
180hours per academic term
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
Background Check (e.g., fingerprinting, live scans, driving record)
Parking Fee
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 