Virtual Teen Center Tutor / Program Lead - Furnace Teen CenterAt — The Furnace Teen Center
We are launching a virtual teen center at The Furnace and would love CSUMB students to help with tutoring high school subjects and/or help running specific programs such as Microsoft Office 101, College & Career Prep, Game Night and Book Club to name a few.
Selected CSUMB students will work with staff to create a schedule with their program idea and log on to our virtual teen center through Zoom to host tutoring sessions or programs.
We anticipate the times to vary between 4pm and 7pm Monday through Friday, with optional weekends.
Students will be trained on protocols and guidelines for virtual spaces with minors.
Students will be supervised by Furnace Teen Center staff at all times.
Service learners will be supervised while in the virtual sessions; never alone with students in any virtual or real spaces.
Furnace students may be on their devices at home. We are requesting a virtual background so we will not see their private spaces, or that cameras are turned off. Furnace staff will monitor this and turn off cameras as needed.
As a virtual program with minors, it is important to review and adhere to all guidelines for minimizing risk in virtual spaces.
Interested students should contact:
Katie Lopez, Director