Ideal Therapy InternAt — Ideal Therapy
Academic Intern to work with Licensed Physical Therapists/Licensed Physical Therapist Assistants in an Outpatient Orthopedic Setting.
-Learn how to effectively communicate with a wide variety of patient personalities.
-Learn how to provide basic explanation of therapeutic concepts to patients.
-Develop an understanding of indications, contraindications and implementation to basic therapeutic exercises programs as well as physical agents and modalities such as Thermal Agents, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Spinal Traction.
- Orientation
-Daily instruction verbal, hands on and written on basic therapeutic physical therapy treatments.
-Constant direct supervision, by Licensed Staff
-Weekly one on one mentor meetings.
Learning Outcomes:
-Feel Comfortable working with a wide variety of patient personalities.
-Understand how to teach Therapeutic Exercise Programs
-Understand howe to implement basic Therapeutic modalities