Art Education ExperienceAt — Santa Susana High School - Simi Valley USD

Opportunity Summary 

Students visit to help in the high school art classroom and gain experience in teaching, classroom management, lesson planning and delivery, and material usage.

Opportunity Learning Outcomes 

Students will have gained real-world experience in a high school art classroom including working with students and colleagues, teaching, and planning.

Opportunity Training 

Student will observe the teacher and have discussions regarding teaching and learning and best practices. Then, the student may participate in teaching and planning activities under teacher supervision.

Additional risk specific to this opportunity 

Working with basic art material safety for paints, sharp utensils, etc.

Academic Internship
Service Learning
Location Type 
United States
Expected Hours 
3-5hours per week
Students required to have a personal vehicle 
Fees students may incur with this opportunity 
No Fees will be incurred by students
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 