Assistant Activities Director/Volunteer ServiceAt — Coastal Heights Senior Living

Opportunity Summary 

  • Assist with the Vibrant Life Director in implementing and executing Activities 

  • Create a new activity for the calendar that would be suitable for the residents involved.

  • Encourage physical activity, socialization, and entertainment.


- Assist with executing the activities from the calendar
- Researching activities that would be suitable for the residents.
- Executing a new activity for the residents to do
- Create flyers and calendars
- Encourage residents to do activities


1) Orientation - One-day, one hour with the Vibrant Life Director explaining the rules, safety, and policies of the company.

2) Job-shadowing: 2-days of observing the Vibrant Life Director.

Learning Outcome:

1) Know how to create the monthly calendar that is suitable for the residents.
2) Understand how to put together an event within budget.
3) How to approach residents with different needs to make their life more vibrant.
4) Run Vibrant Life activities on their own.

Service Learning
Location Type 
Costa Mesa, California
United States
This opportunity provides some form of compensation 
Opportunity Availability 
10/03/2024 to 10/03/2025