Partner with a California State University Campus


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NOTICE: We may experience high traffic due to the beginning of the semester. If you are having issues with page loading, it is recommended that you try again before 9am or after 6pm on weekdays, or any time on the weekend. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
—The CalState S4 Team

Below is a list of the CSU campus program offices using CalState S4. If you would like to partner with a particular program or campus, you will need to reach out directly to the campus. Click a campus name to visit the website.  If the campus (or program) you are looking for is not on this list then they are not currently using CalState S4. Please contact the campus directly (see a list of CSU campuses here).

If you are interested in pursuing a partnership and sytemwide agreeement with all 23 CSU campuses, please contact Judy Botelho.

CSU Channel Islands — Service Learning

CSU Chico — Social Work, Teacher Education

CSU Dominguez Hills — Service Learning, Academic Internships, College Corps

CSU East Bay — Community Engagement, Academic Internships, Social Work, Teacher Education

CSU Fullerton — Service Learning, Academic Internships

Humboldt State University — Service Learning, Academic Internships, Kineseology, Social Work, Teacher Education

CSU Long Beach — Service Learning, Academic Internships (Health Care Administration, Health Science, Human Development, Biology), Social Work, Teacher Education

CSU Los Angeles — College Corps

CSU Monterey Bay — Service Learning, Academic Internships, Collaborative Health & Human Services (CHHS), Teacher Education

CSU Northridge — Service Learning, Academic Internships, Social Work

Cal Poly Pomona — Service Learning, Academic Internships, Co-Op Education, College Corps

CSU Sacramento — Service Learning, Academic Internships, Social Work

CSU San Bernardino  — College Corps

San Francisco State University — Social Work, College Corps

San Jose State University — Service Learning, Academic Internships

CSU San Marcos — Service Learning, Academic Internships

CSU Stanislaus — Service Learning, Academic Internships, Social Work, Counseling Education, College Corps